Summary of Donations to TO PLANT A TREE AND INSTALL A BENCH in Lev's name at Wythenshawe Real Food Garden project

Lev Adams loved getting involved with the gardening projects for Real Food Wythenshawe. We would like to plant a tree and install a bench there in his memory. "I have never met anyone who loved to dig quite as much as Lev. He was tenacious. He spent considerable time preparing beds in the walled garden. We would have to persuade him to come in for a cup of tea and a catch up. I think he’d be there way into the evening if that was possible. He truly loved to be out in nature, noticing the changing seasons, how the planting was coming on, spotting insects and birds. He also joined us over lock down for our walking group so it was lovely to see him then. I can honestly say that everyone liked Lev (and it’s not often you can say that). He was a kind and gentle soul.” Kay Bamford, Growing Coordinator, Real Food Wythenshawe. Real Food Wythenshawe began in 2013 with the aim of changing behaviour around food by teaching people to ‘grow their own’ and to cook from scratch.

Offline donations: £252.00
Notes to the above:

Offline donations include cash, cheques and any other donations paid directly to the fundraising organisation. This offline donation total is updated periodically by the Tribute Guardian in conjunction with the fundraising organisation.