Funeral Service for Lev Adams

Sadly we were limited to 25 people because of Covid-19 restrictions, so the service was recorded and can be viewed here:

Lev's coffin was painted with a tree on a yellow background and words, drawings and paintings were added by friends and family to make the tree's leaves/ fruit and some of these contributions also lined the inside of the coffin.  He lay on a bed of dried marigolds and a beautiful vegetable wreath adorned the coffin.

We were very moved to see so many neighbours and friends waiting to say goodbye on Lev's home street, on the corners of the streets as we drove through Manchester and his fellow allotmenteers lining the bridge waving their vegetables as as he went by.

We understand that Lev meant a lot to many people and would like to thank everyone for their heartfelt messages, letters, cards and gifts. We are so sad to have lost Lev but incredibly proud of the person he was. 

There is a plan to have a great celebration of Lev in spring/summer 2021 or once there are no more restrictions on people gathering.