Lev in Leeds

Created by Richard 2 years ago

I found my old collection of letters recently and tucked in to pages of letters from old friends. Lev's combination of drawings and descriptive language was a wonderful reminder of great times spent together and also at a distance exchanging letters.  I Googled Lev and came here. If anyone should be remembered it should be Lev. I met him when I arrived in Leeds in 1991 became friends and knew many people who knew him. For a time we would travel to Wakefield for jazz where Chris Snake Davis ran the club, as I remember it. Lev introduced me to guacamole too! Seemed like the most exotic thing in the world back then. I have read the words people have written and they paint a true picture of Lev for me, thanks. I will be back to read again and see the pictures. Here a couple of Lev's drawings that he sent with letters - hope others enjoy them as much as I do. Luv Richard
